
Course 2b 2022 – COURSE CANCELLED

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Course 2b 2022 – COURSE CANCELLED

Intensive Personal Training for Trance Mediumship

Groups Size Limited to 12 Students

This course will consist of intensive training sessions for students to develop their potential for true Trance Mediumship. It will be based on providing an understanding of the different aspects of Trance Mediumship for each individual student, as each aspect requires a different focus of development.

The Course is open to all students who already have some knowledge and understanding of Mediumship and are serious about exploring their potential for Trance Mediumship.

For those who have had some previous experience in Trance mediumship the course will offer the opportunity to seek your true direction and potential in this specialist area of mediumship.

Each student will be mentored to find the way forward which is best for them. All we ask is that you come with an open mind and a desire to develop what can be the most beautiful form of mediumship, from which comes the reward of the closeness of spirit touching souls.

Groups Size Limited to 12 Students

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College