
Course 47a (4) 2020 – COURSE CANCELLED

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Course 47a (4) 2020 – COURSE CANCELLED

Explore your Psychic Potential

This day is suitable for beginners and also the more experienced who are looking to go back to basics.

Have you ever wanted to find out more about sand readings, water readings, colour readings or even tea leaf readings?

Do the “old ways” of divination interest you?

Cards, objects, colour, art materials, sand, water, tea leaves, pendulums are many of the “tools” that have been used over many centuries to help people develop their awareness and sensitivity when they begin their journey into mediumship.

This one-day workshop will give you the opportunity to use a variety of “tools” to help you explore your psychic potential. It is a day of experimentation.

Tools help build your confidence and give you a starting point in order for you to develop your sense of intuition and psychic awareness.

The more you practice developing your psychic senses using tools, the more this may help when you then go on to work purely mind to mind with those in the Spirit World.

This workshop is suitable for beginners and also for those with more experience who want to go back to basics for a day of personal development.

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College