
Course 27b 2023

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Course 27b 2023

The Power of Trance

Suitable for all levels

Throughout this course, we will be focusing on achieving the necessary altered states of consciousness in order to enable the trance states.  We will be blending our energy with that of the spirit world’s energy so they can influence and teach us to become better instruments in their endeavours to help us to help our world.

Trance occurs when, through the induction of an altered state of consciousness, we allow the spirit world to capture our attention or place a ‘hold’ on our minds, enabling us to blend with the spirit world.  The degree of ‘hold’ on the medium’s mind will determine the quality of trance.

Together, we will focus on working with Trance Healing, Trance Speaking, Trance Communication and Trance Guidance.  Our aim is to help you develop your trance to a confident level and explore the variety of trance states.

Throughout this intensive course when we will be practising:

  • Trance Healing:

We will be studying how to achieve the altered states for Healing and how we can achieve a closer blending with spirit to allow our spirit controls to enable healing to take place unconditionally, i.e., without interference from the medium.  Trance Healing has the potential to restore health, harmony & peace.

  • Trance Speaking:

This can bring knowledge from the spirit world to our world, which provides us with different aspects of philosophy to help us understand and cope with life.

  • Trance Communication:

This form of mediumship can bring the essence of a spirit loved-one to a loved-one here in the most loving and caring way.  This is a very powerful aspect of mediumship and has the potential to sharpen our communication with the spirit world.

  • Trance Guidance:

This guidance can enable our spirit controls to express their support and encouragement to others, so they achieve a greater sense of direction, as well as upliftment and enlightenment.

If you are willing to push away those boundaries of limitation and restriction, then please join me and my experienced team for a course that is designed to help, support and encourage you in your understanding and your ability.

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College