
Course 14a 2024

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Course 14a 2024

Progressive Trance Healing

We invite everyone whose mind and heart are open to learn and be inspired by their spirit teams

Healing Mediumship is an integral part in the mission of National Spiritualism. Trance Healing has a rich history in our heritage. The process however is progressive. The spirit world need us to refine the process.  This course will be looking at the more natural and holistic approach not just to the wellbeing of the patient but also the medium.

The week will be offering group practices, lectures, tutorials, meditation, and attunement sessions. All of which will be both theoretical and practical for a mode of mediumship which is suitable in a modern society. How does the spirit world see you as a Trance Healing Medium and the potential which you have? The programme will be structured to enable you to understand this new approach and how the spirit wish to teach us in the perfect blending. We learn from the past, unfold in the present and reach for a more defined process.

  • How can the spirit world utilise our senses?
  • What is “sitting in the power”?
  • Does the teaching of guides have any relevance in this new process? Or is this limiting the approach?
  • What do you need to do in allowing the process to unfold?
  • Is it possible to supress our own minds? If so how and if not why?
  • Embrace the simplicity and let go of mind sets which are totally irrelevant
  • What does the medium need to do to mentally disengage for the spirit word to engage?

All the above and more will be examined in a course which has a pioneering approach from both sides of life.

Each Tutor has a vast experience in this specialised form of mediumship. You will be guided by them in a supportive and encouraging environment. They are inspired and led by the other world. If you wish to follow that same pathway contact reception as soon as possible to secure your place.

A former President of the SNU and late Principal of the College Minister Gordon Higginson said:

“The spirit world has an interest in you, now find out what it is”

His words are as true today as they were then.

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College