
Course 18x 2023 – ONLINE COURSE VIA ZOOM

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Course 18x 2023 – ONLINE COURSE VIA ZOOM

Transformation for the Shamanic Soul

with Maureen Murnan CSNU. Saturday 13th May 2023. (Cost £55.00 per person)

Time 07.00am – 11.00am DAILY UK TIME attending as a day student for 1 day via Zoom. We kindly ask that you please ensure that you check your own time zone.

This class is suitable for any level of experience of Mediumistic and Spiritual development from beginners through to advanced levels of knowledge. Day course fee includes all online tuition in English, we cannot provide nor allow translation.

You will need access to a computer with internet access, a microphone and video facility.

Courses are held in UK TIME ZONE. Please check your own time zone.

Courses start at                  07.00 am
Course end time                 11.00 am

Transformation for the Shamanic Soul

The workshop will be aimed at personal Soul searching for the purpose of healing the fragmented self.

We spend so much time looking at the past, regurgitating old memories that are sad, fearful, and hurtful. This stops us from moving forward into the great mystery, the future. We manifest what we think, therefore it is more productive to our personal healing to learn how to focus upon the future in a stronger positive way.

Shamanic study is about finding our authenticity, the real self, the person we want to be, not the person other people want us to be.

We will look at the Shadow self, the part of our personality where valuable lessons reside, the experiences of the past that we have grown through, and which taught us how to react and interact with life.

Shamanic Drum journeys help us to reach deep mediative states where we can access thoughts and feelings that tell us so much about who we are and what we dream of achieving in this life journey.

We will look at our connection with Nature and the Animal kingdom. As human animals we can learn so much from all other life that shares this Earth with us, our ancient people understood man’s animal instincts and looked towards the animal world as teachers. They work alongside nature for healing as well as sustenance.

If you want to take a step towards finding your authentic self and start the journey of Soul healing, then join us for a morning of Spiritual care for our Shamanic Soul welfare.

Terms and Conditions

a) AFC cannot be held responsible for power outages at your end nor for your equipment failure. You will not be entitled to a refund or transfer if this is the case.
b) Cancellations, transfers, and refunds. If you change your mind or are unable to attend for any reason.
As a consumer, if you change your mind about a course or sitting you purchased online, you have 14 days from entering a service contract with us in which you can cancel it.
If your course or sitting starts within the 14-day period, in this instance you will still have the right to cancel, but you must pay our value of service fee, minimum £30.00(suggested) per booking.
The right to cancel or transfer will be lost in all other circumstances.
Cancellation, refunds, or transfers may in certain other circumstances be considered if requested in writing giving reasons to email: The decision of AFC is final.
c) Once the course has started, no refund will be given for missed sessions nor due to your equipment failure, power loss or confusions with time zones.
d) Once the course has started, if you fail to turn up for the class on the given day, you will not be eligible for a part or full refund or transfer.
e) If you are dissatisfied with the class, in order to be considered for a refund, you must remove yourself from the class within 2 hours of the start time and email immediately to notify us why you left the class.
Once your email and reasons are received, your comments will be considered in conjunction with the tutor and the collegiate committee decision is final as to whether you will or will not receive any form of a refund or transfer.
f) The Arthur Findlay College operates a zero-tolerance policy in respect of physical or verbal abuse towards students or tutors in the zoom class.
g) Zoom Etiquette. Remember this is a teaching environment so we ask you to respect the other students and tutors by: Minimising distractions, don’t walk around during the class. Eating, drinking, or smoking during a video meeting is a major distraction — even more so than it would be in the office, because the camera makes people focus on your face. Dress appropriately, try to follow the same rules you would if you were meeting in person. Keep track of your mute status and avoid dialogue with people who are in your room at home whilst the class is in progress.
h) Privacy Notice. No cameras or other filming or video/audio recording equipment are to be used to capture audio/visual of the people or class content in the College Zoom Room without prior permission of all participants.
The class sessions may only be recorded for safeguarding purposes by the Arthur Findlay College and by registering, you give us permission to use this video and audio recording for the purpose of safeguarding.
Any recordings will not be shared or broadcasted without written permission of all participants.
When a recording is to take place, the tutor will announce that they will do so (referring to the privacy notice) to seek your verbal approval. The reason for recording must be given.
Content of all audio and visual recordings remains the copyright of the AFC and may not be used for public or commercial purposes, unless prior permission is sought.
Any public use without written permission of all participants, whether or not for gain, will constitute a breach of data protection and Copyright laws.
We reserve the right to record for safeguarding purposes only. Audio/visual recording would only be initiated if there were a problem in the class and used as evidence to take any appropriate action.
Only the College General Manager has authorised access to recordings. All recordings are managed and maintained within the UK legal guidance of GDPR.
i) We ask that you are respectful to all other participants in class and follow the Tutor’s directions. The Tutor has the right to remove anyone from the class where in their opinion a student is being disruptive, disrespectful or aggressive to others.
j) All classes do not constitute advice or diagnosis of any type. No recommendations or directions are given by Tutors and where a personal opinion is offered this does not constitute advice, direction or recommendation. The opinions given are those of the Tutor and do not represent the views of AFC. AFC does not guarantee the services of the Tutor and does not give any warranty in respect of their teaching. No liability is accepted on behalf of AFC for any loss or damage claim or expense (except as excluded by law) claimed by you in respect of any Sitting.
k) You consent to AFC processing your personal data for the purposes of running this course. AFC will comply with the data protection laws in England in doing so.

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College