
Course 30a 2024

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Course 30a 2024

The Ecstatic State 

27th July – 3rd August 2024

Minister Jackie Wright DSNU
Sally Barnes CSNU LSNU
Guest tutor: Scott Milligan

This is a new course for 2024.
A journey into that ecstatic state we call TRANCE.

An ecstatic state is when the mind goes into an altered state of consciousness and one’s ordinary self and reality changes.

The word ‘ectasi’s means ‘standing outside of yourself’.
 This week we will examine the science of this beautiful state,

What do the Spirit world need from you?
What is the purpose of Trance? 

You will be supported by experienced tutors, whatever level you are at to gain a closer blend with the unseen world.
We will explore Trance healing its purpose and practice.

Trance speaking, the different levels and what can be expected at each level.

 Whether you are a beginner or with some experience, come and join us for a week of exploration into this beautiful power.

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College