
Course 26b 2025

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Course 26b 2025

Confident Evidential Mediumship

Is confidence the biggest challenge you face as a medium?

Do you find it hard to establish what is coming from spirit and what is coming from your own mind?

Do you struggle to trust your evidence in case your recipient says ‘no’?

Do you compare yourself to other mediums who appear confident and somehow find yourself lacking?

Finding the confidence to trust your evidence and trusting yourself to deliver it properly is something that almost all mediums have to learn to do. We recognise the importance of our work on behalf of spirit, and as such we all want to get it right.

The classes during this week will encourage you to recognise your ability as a medium and take confidence from everything that you have achieved so far which will help to bring some stability to your mediumship. We will also help you to recognise the potential still to come within your work, and the impact your unique mediumship can bring to your recipients.

The tutors on this week will help you to unfold the deep mines of richness in the evidence and emotion that the communicators are bringing through your mediumship, helping you to deliver the spirit world’s messages as they were meant to be heard.

We will help you to trust your communicators more and the information that they bring, allowing you to develop consistency in your work which in turn brings more confidence.

Your mediumship and your personal spiritual journey go hand in hand, and often the things that we find challenging in life will also show up in your work for the spirit world too. We will support you to reveal those subconscious elements which might be holding you back and allow your natural mediumship to flow.

This course will give you insights into yourself as a worker for spirit, as well as showing you the potential of your ability, strengthening that partnership between you and the spirit world, building on your connection, allowing you to enjoy exploring evidence and refine your presentation, enabling you to fulfil that need of your soul to be of service to them and the physical world too.

As tutors we usually have more faith in our students’ ability than they have in themselves! So let us share that support with you, and help you with your trust and confidence to empower your mediumship, leaving the week with tools to continue building on your achievements acquired here and to assist you on the next stage of your mediumistic journey.

We look forward to spending a great week with you!

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College