
Course 26a 2021 – COURSE CANCELLED

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Course 26a 2021 – COURSE CANCELLED

Progressive Trance Healing

This course is not for beginners.

The groups are limited to 16 students

Applicants for this course must have attended at least one Trance Week at the Arthur Findlay College in the last three years. When booking please include dates of previous courses.

This week is all about progression. It will be aimed at looking at how you have developed your trance healing techniques and seeing what the next steps are for you.

The week will see you working in the trance state for longer periods of time, to give you the experience and understanding of how long a trance healing session lasts, and also to carry out a number of trance healings consecutively.

Sitting in the power to build a closer relationship with those from the spirit world you work with. Building your understanding and awareness of your trance healing abilities.

The tutors will support and encourage you on this week and will also help you to move from your comfort zone one step at a time.

There will be private sittings given by the tutors including, trance healing, spiritual assessments and evidential sittings.

“If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.” ― Dalai Lama


This course is not for beginners.

The groups are limited to 16 students

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College