
Course 26b 2023

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Course 26b 2023

The Confident Evidential Medium

 Do you feel you’re not confident enough to say what you feel your evidence is?

Are you striving for more detail in your evidence but feel everyone else can do a better job than you?

Do you watch others and see in them what you aspire to achieve in yourself, but at the same time feel you will never be that confident?


Finding confidence within yourself and the ability to feel confident in trusting your information from the spirit world is not an easy thing. So, these classes are designed to support you as the worker in becoming stronger in your own presence and more trusting in your communication and information when working with your contacts. Recognising what confidence means to you as the individual is a big step to understanding how you can progress forward as both the individual and the medium.

Gaining the ability to build upon what you already have as evidence, and understanding the depth and detail that is there to work with, will be a focus within these classes. This will ensure you feel trusting enough to discover more of the story involved and can only lead to a greater experience for both you the medium and for your recipient.

This course will help you understand yourself as the worker, and understand the steps you can take to feel more confident in your connection, your information, and the presentation in your work.

The aim is to take you to a point that you feel strong enough to take a bigger leap of faith than you have until now. Sometimes all we need is for someone to believe in us and see the potential that lies within that is hard to see in ourselves. So let us help you, support you, and highlight to you the next steps to feeling stronger in your work.

You have already created the foundation of your work, so let us support you in strengthening that and building upon what is already there.

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College