Is It Me, or Is It Spirit? - Online Course via Zoom
Foundation for Trance - Online Course via Zoom
Online Workshop focusing on TRANCE HEALING - Online Course via Zoom
Presenting and Demonstrating Your Mediumship
Trance for Beginners
A Blending of Worlds - Online Course via Zoom
A History of Spiritualist Healing Mediumship - Online Course via Zoom
Healing Mediumship for the 21st Century
Is it Me or Is it Spirit?
Exploring Consciousness and our Brainwaves
Developing Mediumship: The voice of the soul 2025
Working Towards Professional Private Consultations
Awakening the Magic
Mediumship and more for the 21st century - Merseyside District Council Church Members Week
The Essence and Evidence of Spirit - Online Course via Zoom
Monthly Trance Healing Circle - Online via Zoom
Monthly Trance Healing Circle - Online via Zoom
The Eternal Soul & Its Journey
Mastering Energy & Mediumship
Pathways to Spirit (German Speaking)
Enhance Your Psychic Awareness - Online Course via Zoom
Online Workshop focusing on TRANCE SPEAKING - Online Course via Zoom
Purer Blending with Spirit - Online Course via Zoom
Dutch Mediumship Week
New Tutors, New Tomorrows
The Psychic and their “Tools“ - Online Course via Zoom
Deepening the evidence within your Mediumship - Online Course via Zoom
Are you ready to be a Spiritualist Healing Medium? - Online course via Zoom
Am I a Medium? - Online Course via Zoom
Artistic Alchemy
THE SPIRITUAL EXPLORER: More Explorations! 2025
West Midlands District Council Church Members Week
Monthly Trance Healing Circle - Online via Zoom
Monthly Trance Healing Circle - Online via Zoom
The Magic in Mediumship - Art & Creativity
Total Trance Mediumship
Britten Museum & Library Study
Online Workshop focusing on TRANCE HEALING - Online Course via Zoom
Italian Week 1
Reunion week of the Academy of Mediumship! - English & Dutch Speaking groups
Beginner Psychic & Mediumship Unfoldment
The different expressions of evidence within your mediumship. - Online Course via Zoom
Mediumship, Mysticism and Prophecy
Monthly Trance Healing Circle - Online via Zoom
Monthly Trance Healing Circle - Online via Zoom
Welcome to "Pure Mediumship" – Week of Developing Evidential Mediumship
My Mind, My Mediumship
Finnish Week 1
The Healing Power of Spirit
Swedish Week
The Magic and the Miracle of Trance Healing
Trance: A Beautiful Blending
Psychical Science Week (Healing Focus)
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway
Meet the Ancestors
SNU Healing Week
Swiss Week 1
French Week 1
Innovative Trance Healing
Scottish & Irish District Council Church Members Week - Highland Week
Mediumship: Meeting The Needs Of Today
Manchester District Council Church Members Week
Surrender & Trust Your Mediumship
North Yorkshire District Council Week
Britten Museum & Library Study
The Possibilities are Endless
Tell a Story & the Power of the Story
Shamanic Heart & Soul
German Week 1
The sensitive medium, the sensitive you
Confident Evidential Mediumship
Mastering Energy, Art & Mediumship
Japanese Week
Mediumship Development – Finding a Happy Balance
Mediumship and the Paranormal – Looking for the Evidence and Writing Another Chapter!
Trance and Experimental Art
Mediumship - Embracing the Standards Class of 2025
Italian Week 2
JV Trust Week
A Masterclass in Mediumship
Excel in your Mediumship
Psychic and Mediumistic Course – Unfoldment and Development
Mindfulness & Wellbeing for the sensitive Soul
Totally Trance Healing
A Souls’ Journey - ‘Our Many Selves’, Subtle Energy Bodies and the Spirit Within
Mastering Energy & Mediumship
Individuality in Mediumship
German Week 2
Mediumship, Aspiring to Excellence
Britten Museum & Library Study
Swiss Week 2
No Limitations
Shamanism - My relationship with the Animal Kingdom
The Language of Spirit
Journey of Psychic Exploration
Senior Citizens Week
Mediumship & Spiritual Evolvement
Trance, a Deeper Meaning
Finnish Week 2 – A Journey of Connection with Spirit
Medialität und das Paranormale - German translated
French Week 2
Purer Blending with Spirit
Mastering Energy, Art & Mediumship
The Essence and Evidence of Spirit 2025
Journey into the World of Trance
Mediumship: New Generation
The Power, the Presence and the Essence
Soul Quest – Discovering the ‘Philosophers Stone’ Within
Empowering Me & The Medium within
Magician to Mystic
Teaching Skills Weekend
At the Gates of Dawn: Death, Meaning, and the Medium
A Week for SNU Church Members, Individual Members, and SNUi Members
The Mediums Journey
Norwegian Week 2025
The Skills of Presenting you Demonstrating Mediumship
Italian Week 3
Awakening Spirit - creation, focus, expression, serenity and fulfilment.
French Week 3
Festival of light – A soul journey
The use of the trance state is as old as mankind; for thousands of years it has been induced by one means or another enabling the shaman or village elder to talk to their ancestors etc. In the modern era, 1848 to present day, we use it as a form of mediumship, not just for communication, but also to access healing energies, writing, painting and even the playing of musical instruments.
This week will focus on speaking and healing in the altered state of consciousness. All classes will be translated into German. There will be lectures, demonstrations and group work. There will also be a limited number of private sittings available with the tutors for trance healing, communication or a spiritual assessment. Group size will be limited to just 12. Very few courses will give you so much time for personal tuition.
This is a one week opportunity, this year, for German speaking students who want to specialise in trance mediumship and cannot do so on a normal English speaking week.
If you have questions or need assistance with the registration please contact: Sabin Sütterlin –
Die Anwendung des Trancezustandes ist so alt wie die Menschheit, seit tausenden von Jahren wurde er mit Hilfe verschiedener Mittel eingeleitet um den Schamanen oder Dorfältesten zu ermöglichen, mit den Ahnen zu sprechen. In der modernen Zeit, seit 1848, nutzen wir ihn als Form der Medialität nicht nur für die Kommunikation, sondern auch um Zugang zu heilenden Energien zu erhalten, fürs Schreiben, Malen oder sogar um ein Musikinstrument zu spielen.
Der Fokus liegt während dieser Woche auf dem Sprechen und Heilen im veränderten Bewusstseinszustand. Alle Angebote werden auf Deutsch übersetzt; es gibt Vorträge, Demonstrationen und Gruppenarbeit. Ausserdem bieten die Medien eine begrenzte Zahl von Privatsitzungen für Heilung, Kommunikation oder eine Standortbestimmung an. Die Grösse der Gruppen wird jeweils auf zwölf Personen beschränkt, um in dieser Woche eine möglichst gute persönliche Betreuung zu gewährleisten.
Dieses Angebot richtet sich an deutschsprachige Personen, die sich gern auf Trancemedialität spezialisieren möchten aber denen der Besuch einer englischen Woche nicht möglich ist.
Bei Fragen oder um Hilfe bei der Anmeldung zu erhalten, senden Sie bitte eine email an Sabin Sütterlin: