
Course 33b 2023

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Course 33b 2023

Be Your Own Medium!

We believe in individuality, and that mediumship works best if you can be true to yourself and let that gift flow as normally and as naturally as possible.

We encourage you to be the best you can be and to be comfortable within yourself and your mediumship.

This week, we will be looking at YOU and how we can help you move forward and gain that trust and confidence that is needed.

What is holding YOU back? 

We will also be looking at private sittings and demonstrating mediumship and  help you find your way to make it as enjoyable and easy as possible. Different techniques will be explored to help you on your way.

Together we will support  you and help you move forward to Be Your Own Medium!

This will be a week of hard work, so be prepared to challenge yourself to become the best YOU that you can be.

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College