
Course 41b 2022

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Course 41b 2022

Trance Healing – The Spirit World is calling you

The groups are limited to 16 students

This course is suitable for all levels.

Suitable for everyone whose mind is open to learn and be inspired by Spirit.

This course will focus on your progression as seen by the spirit world. We will be working more intensely in the Trance States according to your levels of understanding and abilities.

Healing is an integral part of life. There are many modalities which aid and support humankind. So why Trance Healing?

Those higher powers endeavour to blend with the medium so the manifestation of power can aid in all areas of need.

During this course you will be taught by a team of Professional Teaching Mediums who understand the subtilties of this specialised form of mediumship.

Groups will be limited to 16 people max (subject to numbers). The programme will also offer Lectures, Tutorials and workshops all of which will embrace the world of Trance Healing.

Together we will discover and strengthen the intelligence of the spirit world because all teaching is under their direction.

As Silver Birch once said through his Trance Medium Maurice Barbanell “From Spirit, through Spirit, to Spirit”

Help us to help you to have a clearer understanding of what Trance Healing is and what it is not. This week we will be walking a pathway of enlightenment.

The course will give you ample opportunity to work with your spirit teams with support and guidance from your tutors.

The motto for the week “Walk in light and be enlightened”

The groups are limited to 16 students

Room Supplement & Price Breakdown

Arthur Findlay College