
Anne-Marie Bond DSNU

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Anne-Marie Bond DSNU's Courses

Anne-Marie Bond DSNU

“Spiritualism Life is open to one and all. Self-discovery, spiritual growth and understanding of our purpose begins with the choice of awakening to our God within.”

Anne-Marie had her first real experience of the spiritual communication late in her 30’s, what she experienced led to her spiritual awakening. Then learning about Spiritual churches led her to finding out about the Arthur Findlay College and taking her first step as a student many years ago has never looked back.  Anne-Marie resides in the South East of London, where she teaches spiritual unfoldment both in person and online.

Anne-Marie is a professional IT Trainer in the corporate field with over 20 years’ experience and is a TAP.Dipolma qualifying in coaching, effective presentations, design and delivery, training, and delivery and much more.  She is currently a design and delivery eLearning specialist (digital).

Anne-Marie has a thirst and love to help others become the best voice they can for those in the spirit world. She also demonstrates mediumship both online and in person, gives talks on Spiritualism, and has been teaching online for the past 5 years spirit art, mediumship and public speaking to UK and non-UK students.

Her style of teaching focuses on the creativity of teaching Mediumship by raising self-esteem, confidence, and self-worth in her student’s. Anne-Marie also believes in life-long learning, believes all teachers and students should adopt continuous learning in all fields of Spiritualism. She is highly attentive to her student’s needs and endeavours to provide value in all that she teaches.  She is super approachable, friendly, and down to earth.

Her students have found her to be open-minded, warm, enthusiastic and passionate about what she teaches.  Anne-Marie’s hopes are for those students that attend her classes leave wanting to strive for the stars, aiming for no less. Anne-Marie believes in building the exercises to strengthen her student’s inner-confidence. The aim is to let them remember their worth and value and allow themselves the permission to be of Service to Spirit but to know patience is the route to being the best of what you can be. Let no barriers stop you, let no one’s opinion of you halt you in the good deeds you can do for Spirit. Step Up, Stand Up and Step forward in the name of Spirit and the love of God. Dream Big! Anne-Marie remembers standing looking at the tutor’s framed pictures along the wall in the prestigious Arthur Findlay College gallery with an unbelievable vision one day how she’d love to be a tutor. At that stage, she was just a beginner… and who would have believed one day she would progress in her unfoldment to be appointed as a tutor at the world-renowned AFC college in England. 

Anne-Marie’s Message:

“Have belief in Spirit, trust the journey, take the time to nurture your unfoldment, and if you cannot remember anything else, always remember YOU are part of the bigger plan. God believes in you.”

Demonstrating (Evidential Mediumship) – DSNU

SNU Certificate of Recognition:

Teaching CSNUt

Demonstrating (Evidential Mediumship)

Public Speaking

SNU Tutor:

SNUi Tutor

CSNUi Review Assessor


Winner 2014: Gordon Higginson Scholarship